
Day Trippin’ Texas

WEBSITE. Day Trippin' Texas promotes travel in Texas to the many destinations available...

Las Vegas Infographic

INFOGRAPHIC. This infographic shows many of the statistics about Downtown Las Vegas....

Las Vegas Infographic

INFOGRAPHIC. This infographic shows many of the statistics about Downtown Las Vegas....

OPCA Shelter Alliance

WEBSITE PROPOSAL. OPCA is an organization that networks poodles in shelters across the country....

1st Annual SIRE Horse Show

WEBSITE BANNER. Event announcement placed at top of home page....

Triple Crown Gala

SIRE Triple Crown Gala Overview Website banner Create a website banner to direct people to...

Art Between Spaces

WEBSITE. Develop a website for a recent company that originally built custom room dividers in...

Call for Wreaths Flyer

EVENT FLYER. For ALS of Nevada's Call for Wreaths fundraiser. ...

SIRE T-shirts

T-SHIRTS. Sampling of t-shirts created for various fundraising events for SIRE....

Kent County Animal Rescue

WEBSITE. Promoting the work KCAR does in Canada for animal rescue in their community....

Fund Brindi’s Mom

1-PAGE WEBSITE. Fundraising web page....

Operation Free Ride

1-PAGE WEBSITE. Landing page for Horses 4 Heroes program which offers free horseback rides to...

Brindi Justice

HORIZONTAL SCROLLING WEBSITE. Provides various details of a court case in an easy to read...

Francesca’s Story

VIDEO. A character video showing the person behind a court case....

Humane Halifax

WEBSITE. New design for a humane organization located in Nova Scotia....

Be a SIRE Sponsor

VIDEO. To promote the value of corporate sponsorship for the Houston-based non-profit, SIRE....

Arnold Design & Home Staging

WEBSITE. A home staging and interior design company's website....

Let’s Bring Brindi Home

VIDEO. Bringing Brindi's story to the public in an effort to raise awareness to the...